
Training Centre

We offer a wide range of security services and training expertise covering all areas of Aviation Security and Document Verification.

Making Aviation a secure environment

All our courses meet TSA and EU 2015/1998 standards and our Instructors are in line with the AOSSP and EU regulations!

Checkport Switzerland has been serving the airline industry security requirements in Zurich and Geneva for 20 years and has provided a large variety of airlines their individual security needs. These needs are also provided to our U.S. carriers that must follow TSA (Transportation Security Administration) criteria.

Training Catalogue

A wide range of classroom and WBT courses is available.

Training Structure

From Security Agent to Trainer status we care.

Instructor Competence

Our Instructors a certified to teach all regulation bodies and in German, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic.

Instructor Training

Our train the Trainer program for all Swissport stations worldwide is part of your success in passenger handling.