
Passenger and Aircraft Security Training

Checkport delivers worldwide AVSEC Training including AIM, Travel Document Evaluation and Schengen Entry Regulations.

Choose the right Training partner

The worldwide regulation and authority monitoring of security policies requires excellent employee training as a solid fundament. With Checkport Switzerland, you are choosing a training partner who can offer highly trained and qualified instructors in all areas of training.

US Flights

Certified for all relevant trainings on US and US bound carriers, including American Airlines AIM Training.

Aviation security AVSEC

Aviation Security is an important part of the airline operation. We train all basic and advanced AVSEC modules based on national and international regulatories.

Travel Document Evaluation

Creating INAD's is a cost driver for Airlines and Handling Agents. Travel Document Evaluation is a complex task. In basic and advanced courses you learn to handle it safely as well under stress and preasure situation.

Dangerous Goods

Checkport trains all relevant IATA DG categories.